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odd ends

odd ends


1. Georgie’s godfather returns…

2. …bearing insanely good gifts from Russia.

3. Lily Rose’s reaction to home-baked cookies. She then proceeded to jump through the window.

4. Shadow selfie.

5. Shadow selfie with Lily.

6. Cyprus goes tropical with rain pouring from the sky. No complaints.


Lily-Rose and Tano

My other babies.

She has no idea how big she is. Or how annoying she is. Lily Rose will jump on you while you’ve got a cup of hot tea in your hand, get her head stuck in between the gate bars and chew through two doormats in ONE WEEK! She’s protective and loyal, kind and playful.

We call him The Brain- as in Pinky and The Brain?- It’s not even funny how much alike they are. Tano has a temper and will lash out if he’s not in the mood, so we manage him with care and lots of sweet talk. The poor bastard was taken from his mother too soon, I think and so he developed a little aggressive streak. He’s always on his toes and ready to announce himself with excessive barking whenever he sees or hears something. Those of you who have heard how Tano screams when he sees a cat, will know what I’m talking about.


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