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on our island


On Sunday, Georgie looked slightly confused when papa and I announced we were all going to see some dinosaurs. ‘You told me they are all dead!’ Hm, yes, that’s right. So, I rephrased: ‘We’re going to see some dead dinosaurs’. The whole dinosaur concept is difficult to establish at this age but I am hoping the fascination will remain until he fully understands what type of remarkable beings used to roam the earth. Together with his cousins, we visited the Tsirides’ Foundation exhibit on dinosaurs, fossil fish and semi-precious stones. The exhibit actually included a complete skeleton of the extinct Cyprus pigmy hippopotamus and an authentic T-Rex skull!

odd ends

odd ends

1. First time at the movies! It was such an exciting Monday for both of us because I love little more than a cinema theatre and taking Georgie through the doors, into that dark world and seeing the amazement in his eyes, was just so cool. ‘Mummy, it’s magic!’ Something that will stick with me forever. We watched The Lego Movie and left after an hour. He’s only three after all. (Taken with my iphone camera hence the shit quality)


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